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School-to-work alternation, students in the field in the company

School-to-work alternation: EiQ Industrial joined the “Technically” initiative: some students from a Technical Institute developed innovative projects that they presented during a dedicated day.

A concrete opportunity for students to get their hands in the game by proposing specific and highly specialized projects to companies.

That’s the meaning of the “Technically” initiative, promoted by the employment agency Adecco and joined by EiQ Industrial as part of the school-to-work alternation project. The project involves educational institutions of technical extraction throughout Italy. The goal is to facilitate the matching of supply and demand by creating a time for high school seniors to meet with local companies interested in meeting and placing talented young people.

In the case of EiQ Industrial, some students from the fifth classes of the Technical Technological Institute “Silvio de Pretto” in Schio developed innovative projects that they presented during a dedicated day at the institute. A panel of judges consisting of a number of business contacts evaluated the projects, identified the best one and awarded the winners with participation in postgraduate activities aimed at entering the labor market. The project that best interprets the concepts of technological complexity, innovation and applicability to the industrial and manufacturing world was chosen.

The project allows EiQ Industrial to present its activities to students in the area and show them the professional opportunities offered by the company. In this way, it is possible to get to know potential candidates by considering job placement.

The success of the “Technically” project is evidenced by the growing numbers: in 2016, 48 schools (increased to 100 this year), 1,200 students and 300 partner companies were involved.

It fits perfectly with the school-to-work alternation initiatives that, thanks to a dedicated and compulsory training path for all third-year high school students, give students the opportunity to spend a period of work in a company or within an institution, as in the case of EiQ Industrial. Italy is the only country in Europe where such a project is also mandatory for high schools.

According to MIUR data, prior to the introduction of the mandatory requirement, there were 270,000 students in the 2014/2015 school year who had alternating school-work experiences: 18 percent of the total number of upper secondary school students and 42.3 percent of schools. These school-to-work alternation paths were 58 percent in high schools; 27 percent in Technical Institutes; and 15 percent in Vocational Institutes.

The ultimate goal is to stimulate students to develop their creativity and foster the development of a sense of initiative and entrepreneurship,” which helps them become aware of the context in which they work and be able to seize opportunities as they arise.